
Wednesday, May 23, 2007


The easter are dividited in two weeks, the fist week is the " semana santa" in this week the people go to look the nazarenos, and go to iglesia.
After in this week the sunday the people go to the field and thay eat the mona of pascua.
The following week is the week of easter, the people in this week usually it goes of vacations, and other thiks.
The easter is the week thats is spring, and it eat, mona of pascua, egg of pascua, chocolate, salchicha of easter and plus many thigs.


The fallas in Valencia is a tradition more important to the Valencian, because have many years, and is celebrate all the years.
In fallas which becomes is: paper sculptures are put cardboard, thats his name is "ninots" also it has a tipical suit of fallero and fallera, the falleros is put this suit and they march past by Valencia.
The last day of fallas, the fallas is fire, all fallas, but it was a little "ninot" thats not is fire, he is the ninot indultat. The ninot indultat it is given to the "fallera mayor" thats is the fallera plus important of teach falla.

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare is a gregorian dramatist. William Shakespeare it was born, the day 26 of april of 1564 and it died in the year 1616. William Shakespeare is a very important dramatist of your country, England. Shakespeare it has written many works, when Romeo and Juliet, that is the representation that now we have in my class. I am the Ama. Shakespeare also to great the others representations when, Hamlet or many more.


Sahara:problem for many years. They don’t have nothing to almost live, don’t have eat, and don’t have house. Because Morocco try to clear it everything to it and thus to conquer the country.
We in the school we have made a collection of eat to the Saharauis, we have that to take rice, sugar and oil, one kg of any thing. The Saharauis is a town very, very, organized, because in spite of the situation in that they are they continue
maintaining the organization.